Today we celebrate Jesus' resurrection and his incredible love! Click the links below to download different Easter activities.
Easter Activities Today we begin our journey looking at the Easter story as we remember Jesus as a humble King riding to Jerusalem for the Passover feast on a donkey. We hope that our activity packs will give you time to reflect on the incredible measure of love and grace that Jesus gives us through his journey to the cross and resurrection. To follow this journey with us watch our service and download all of our activities below.
Watch our full service here. God's Big Easter Story 1. God's Big Easter Story 2. God's Big Easter Story 3. Today we are following 'Week 6' of our Lent in a Bag series. You will need: a mirror, candle, lighter/matches, Bible or Story Bible Read: Matthew 5:14-L6.
Lent begins in the dimness of late winter and ends with the burst of bright spring. Jesus is called the Light of the world. Jesus told his disciples to be a light in the world. As Jesus' disciples, Jesus speaks to us too: 'You are the light of the world. Don't hide under a bushel basket." Where do you shine? How do you keep your light lit? To follow along with our service click here. To download the Lent in a Bag activity pack click here. Today we will be writing ourselves letters a year from now to remind us of the journey we have taken in this COVID season. What have you learnt in this time and how will you use this experience to live differently in the future? Maybe spend more time with those you love, maybe walk alongside others who are going through a difficult time, perhaps you hope to continue to work on patience with the things that you used to be quick to get frustrated by? Whatever it is write down your experience in a letter and encourage yourself to continue on the journey God has called you on. Click on the link below to watch our service for more ideas on what to put in your letter.
Be sure to store the letters safe so that you can retrieve it in a years time. Alternatively bring it to church and we can store it safe for you. Have a blessed Sunday. Sunday morning service This week we look at what are lives are reflecting? Do we reflect God's love, grace and patience or are we reflecting frustration and anger? Use the mirror in Week 1 of Lent in a Bag to engage with our Sunday morning service.
Click here to watch the latest sermon Click here to download "Lent in a Bag" sheet |
AboutDuring this series we will be creating engaging worship packs for our younger families to engage with during the service. Our "Lent in a Bag" will provided food for thought, crafts to create and prayers to ponder. ArchivesCategories