Welcome to our intergenerational ministry page!
Our passion is to see all generations coming together to disciple one another, to worship together and to serve together. We take seriously the 1 Corinthians 12:27 passage that we are, together, "Christ's body," and each of us play a part. This page will be regularly updated with resources used during our Sunday morning worship time, to help all generations worship our awesome God!
Our passion is to see all generations coming together to disciple one another, to worship together and to serve together. We take seriously the 1 Corinthians 12:27 passage that we are, together, "Christ's body," and each of us play a part. This page will be regularly updated with resources used during our Sunday morning worship time, to help all generations worship our awesome God!
"God is a God of all Generations!"Our God is a God of the generations! We cannot know God fully without knowing all members of our congregation, so I would encourage you to try something new; to look through the eyes of someone different and experience God in a fresh way.
Click below to be taken to our lockdown activities. |
"Heaven In and Hell out"What do you picture when you hear the words "Heaven and Hell?" There are many ideas, some helpful and some not so helpful. In this series we will be laying the foundation to understanding this important topic.
Click below to be taken to our series blog. |
"Slow Discipleship"Not only beautiful, butterflies are vital to our basic food system. Without their pollinating powers, we are in big trouble. In order to fulfill this key ecological role, they go through a four-stage metamorphosis process, taking them from awkward crunching caterpillar to graceful winged beauty. The journey of discipleship is a similarly slow but intentional process. This series we have some creative activities that will teach us about the slow and steady transformation of discipleship.
Click below to be taken to our series blog. |
"Jesus changes everything"Jesus changes everything! This series we will circle back to 1 Peter and learn how Jesus changes everything.
For this series we are excited to offer our free worship packs delivered straight to your door! All deliveries will be non-contact. If you would like to receive our free worship packs click here. Click below to be taken to our series blog. |
"Love Better"During this series we will be creating engaging worship packs for our younger families to engage with during the service. Our "Lent in a Bag" will provided food for thought, crafts to create and prayers to ponder. As we spoke about last series about who is Jesus sending you too? Why not download a "Lent in a Bag" clicking the link below and invite someone who doesn't come to church to engage in our Easter series.
Click on image to be taken to our series blog. |
"Chart the Course"Get out your compasses as we chart the course of this lockdown. For our intergenerational activities we will be creating a map, overcoming obstacles and learning about how to stay the course over this next season.
Click on the image to be taken to our series blog. |
"Delighting in God"We cannot wait to share with you our new activities for our Delighting in God series. As we look to the new year ahead we focus on continuing to put our trust in God. What better way to learn how to do that by understanding His nature. This is why we will be looking at the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Join us online and download activities here to learn more about our amazing God.
Click on the image to be taken to our series blog. |
"Advent Activities"We are excited about all we have planned for our upcoming Advent series "A Crippled Christmas." As we engage in familiar traditions of Christmas at church in a new way and seek to bless and encourage each other, we hope and pray you will feel connected to the Immanuel Church family!
Click on the image to be taken to our series blog. |
"Dream Big"This summer we will be looking ahead to a new academic year as we face a new future for our church services. Dream Big is a series that will unpack the losses and new opportunities that COVID-19 has presented us as we learn to dream again in the face of this challenge.
Click on the image to be taken to our series blog. |
"Freedom of Simplicity"What would it look like to strip away all that we know, all that we hold most dear, what's left? This is what our world is currently experiencing and the challenges that many of us will face as we move into simpler times. What is Jesus saying to us in this season of simplicity? Journey with us as we take hold of every opportunity to deepen our faith and relationship with Christ.
Click on the image to be taken to our series blog. |
"Dark Adapted Blog"Our series, Dark Adapted, has given us helpful language and pictures to process the sudden darkness of the recent COVD-19 pandemic. Dark Adapted is a term commonly used by astronomers describing how our eyes must first become adapted to the dark in order to see the beauty of the cosmic lights. Each week we posted star gazing activities to help us visualise how the darkness helps us see the light more clearly. Take a moment this week to look up at the evening sky and ask Jesus what are you saying to me?
Click on the image to visit our series blog. |
"Emily's Cooking Channel"Introducing our brand new, first ever, cooking show presented by Immanuel's youngest chef! Participate in new and creative recipes each week and send photo's of your bakes to [email protected]. Don't forget to invite your friends and family to join in the fun and share your experiences.
Click on the image to view Emily's recipes. |